Create 3d Shapes

Thanks for downloading these excellent 3D shape nets from Great Maths Teaching Ideas! Teaching 3D shape topics lends itself to kinaesthetic teaching styles. I have always found that when getting pupils to draw 2D views of 3D shapes, having the 3D shapes for them to hold and manipulate in their hands provides important support for many learners. SketchUp is a premier 3D design software that truly makes 3D modeling for everyone, with a simple to learn yet robust toolset that empowers you to create whatever you can imagine.

  1. Create 3d Shapes For Kids
  2. Create 3d Shapes In Keynote
  3. Create 3d Shapes Using Python
  4. 3d Shape Template Printable
Use 3D objects to create highlight flowcharts, directional maps and network diagrams and bring them to life.

Edraw 3D objects are predefined and built in the program, tailored for maximum visual impact. You can access them easily and quickly.

Major Types of 3D Objects

7 types of 3D objects are offered. Each type contains many kinds of shapes, satisfying various drawing need. New objects are added continually. Just for improving Edraw's feasibility and enhancing your productivity and creativity.

  1. 3D Common Shapes (in General Library -> Common Shapes)
  2. 3D Directional Map Symbols (in Maps Library)
  3. 3D Solid Geometry Symbols (in General Library)
  4. 3D Matrix Diagram Symbols (in Business Diagram Library -> Matrix)
  5. 3D Illustrations of People Image (in Illustration-> People)
  6. Highlight Shapes (in Flowchart and Mind Map Library)

Advantages of 3D Shapes

3D modeling and 3D renderings serve multiple advantages in a variety of fields. In diagramming field, you can benefit from the following perspectives with Edraw.

First and foremost, you can use 3D symbols to bring more realism to your documents. For example, instead of representing a house as a simple point, you can symbolize it with a 3D model of a particular style of home. In this way, your document can be easier to understand. For instance, with a 3D directional map, even those with weak direction sense can locate a place quickly because it is just like real environment. While a 2D map requires stronger ability of spatial visualization.

Secondly, you can create better visual impact for your diagrams. Use the highlight flowchart shapes to make your flowchart more colorful. Use 3D illustrations of people image to make you mind map more lifelike and more beautiful. Use 3D network diagrams to manage your network just like seeing it in real world.

Last but not least, engage your audience vividly. During presentation, if you keep showing only monotonous texts to audience, they will lose interests soon. One of the best ways to keep them engaged is using infographic materials. This can be achieved by using vivid 3D objects. People are naturally attracted by beautiful things. Presentation with 3D symbols will be more enriched and catchier. Just compare the attractions of the following two groups of shapes.

How to Apply 3D Symbols

Create 3d Shapes

Edraw's 3D symbols are embedded right in the program, categorized by usage or diagram type. They are only a few clicks away.

  1. Open the relevant library by clicking the Libraries button and choosing the library you need.
  2. Drag the needed shape to the location you want to place it and then release the mouse.
  3. To connect the added 3D objects with other shapes, use Connector tool on Home menu. Move the cursor to draw connectors. The connection points turn red when being connected.
  4. To add more connection points to a 3D shape, use Connection Point Tool on Symbol menu.

Diagrams Made with 3D Shapes

3D Ladder Diagrams

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Ladder Diagram
3D Diagram

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In the earlier chapters, we have seen how to draw 2D shapes on an XY plane. In addition to these 2D shapes, we can draw several other 3D shapes as well using JavaFX.

3D Shape

In general, a 3D shape is a geometrical figure that can be drawn on the XYZ plane. These include a Cylinder, Sphere and a Box.

Each of the above mentioned 3D shape is represented by a class and all these classes belong to the package javafx.scene.shape. The class named Shape3D is the base class of all the 3-Dimensional shapes in JavaFX.

Creating a 3D Shape

To create a 3-Dimensional shape, you need to −

  • Instantiate the respective class of the required 3D shape.

  • Set the properties of the 3D shape.

  • Add the 3D shape object to the group.

Instantiating the Respective Class

To create a 3-Dimensional shape, first of all you need to instantiate its respective class. For example, if you want to create a 3D box, you need to instantiate the class named Box as follows −

Setting the Properties of the Shape

After instantiating the class, you need to set the properties for the shape using the setter methods.

For example, to draw a 3D box you need to pass its Width, Height, Depth. You can specify these values using their respective setter methods as follows −

Create 3d shapes in photoshop

Adding the Shape Object to the Group

Create 3d Shapes For Kids

Finally, you need to add the object of the shape to the group by passing it as a parameter of the constructor as shown below.

The following table gives you the list of various 3D shapes provided by JavaFX.

Create 3d Shapes In Keynote

S.NoShape & Description

A cuboid is a three-dimensional shape with a length (depth), width, and a height.

In JavaFX a three-dimensional box is represented by a class named Box. This class belongs to the package javafx.scene.shape.

By instantiating this class, you can create a Box node in JavaFX.

This class has 3 properties of the double datatype namely −

  • width − The width of the box.

  • height − The height of the box.

  • depth − The depth of the box.


A cylinder is a closed solid that has two parallel (mostly circular) bases connected by a curved surface.

It is described by two parameters, namely, the radius of its circular base and the height of the cylinder.

In JavaFX, a cylinder is represented by a class named Cylinder. This class belongs to the package javafx.scene.shape.

By instantiating this class, you can create a cylinder node in JavaFX. This class has 2 properties of the double datatype namely −

  • height − The height of the Cylinder.

  • radius − The radius of the Cylinder.


A sphere is defined as the set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point in a 3D space. This distance r is the radius of the sphere and the given point is the centre of the sphere.

In JavaFX, a sphere is represented by a class named Sphere. This class belongs to the package javafx.scene.shape.

By instantiating this class, you can create a sphere node in JavaFX.

This class has a property named radius of double datatype. It represents the radius of a Sphere.

Properties of 3D Objects

For all the 3 Dimensional objects, you can set various properties like Cull Face, Drawing Mode, Material.

The following section discusses the properties of 3D objects.

Cull Face

In general, culling is the removal of improperly oriented parts of a shape (which are not visible in the view area).

The Cull Face property is of the type CullFace and it represents the Cull Face of a 3D shape. You can set the Cull Face of a shape using the method setCullFace() as shown below −

The stroke type of a shape can be −

  • None − No culling is performed (CullFace.NONE).

  • Front − All the front facing polygons are culled. (CullFace.FRONT).

  • Back − All the back facing polygons are culled. (StrokeType.BACK).

By default, the cull face of a 3-Dimensional shape is Back.



The following program is an example which demonstrates various cull faces of the sphere. Save this code in a file with the name

Compile and execute the saved Java file from the command prompt using the following commands.

On executing, the above program generates a JavaFX window displaying three spheres with cull face values FRONT, BACK and NONE respectively as follows −

Drawing Modes

It is the property is of the type DrawMode and it represents the drawing mode used to draw the current 3D shape. You can choose the draw mode to draw a 3D shape using the method setDrawMode () as follows −

In JavaFX, you can choose two draw modes to draw a 3D shape, which are −

  • Fill − This mode draws and fills a 2D shape (DrawMode.FILL).

  • Line − This mode draws a 3D shape using lines (DrawMode.LINE).

By default, the drawing mode of a 3Dimensional shape is fill.


The following program is an example which demonstrates various draw modes of a 3D box. Save this code in a file with the name

Compile and execute the saved java file from the command prompt using the following commands.

On executing, the above program generates a JavaFX window displaying two boxes with draw mode values LINE and FILL respectively, as follows −

Create 3d Shapes Using Python


The cull Face property is of the type Material and it is used to choose the surface of the material of a 3D shape. You can set the material of a 3D shape using the method setCullFace() as follows −

As mentioned above for this method, you need to pass an object of the type Material. The PhongMaterial class of the package javafx.scene.paint is a sub class of this class and provides 7 properties that represent a Phong shaded material. You can apply all these type of materials to the surface of a 3D shape using the setter methods of these properties.

Following are the type of materials that are available in JavaFX −

  • bumpMap − This represents a normal map stored as a RGB Image.

  • diffuseMap − This represents a diffuse map.

  • selfIlluminationMap − This represents a self-illumination map of this PhongMaterial.

  • specularMap − This represents a specular map of this PhongMaterial.

  • diffuseColor − This represents a diffuse color of this PhongMaterial.

  • specularColor − This represents a specular color of this PhongMaterial.

  • specularPower − This represents a specular power of this PhongMaterial.

By default, the material of a 3-Dimensional shape is a PhongMaterial with a diffuse color of light gray.


Following is an example which displays various materials on the cylinder. Save this code in a file with the name

Compile and execute the saved java file from the command prompt using the following commands.

3d Shape Template Printable

On executing, the above program generates a JavaFX window displaying 7 cylinders with Materials, Bump Map, Diffuse Map, Self-Illumination Map, Specular Map, Diffuse Color, Specular Color, (BLANCHEDALMOND) Specular Power, respectively, as shown in the following screenshot −