How To Doom Mods

  1. How To Doom Mods Terraria

Create a folder on your desktop called 'Mods', and drag all files into the folder. Now go to Shared Settings Settings Frontend, and select the '+' button and add the directory. Now refresh the Doomsday launcher and you will see a screen like this with your mods. Tick the appropriate boxes and select 'Play'. Weapon Mods for DOOM changes the stats and numerical values associated with the Shotgun, Double-barrel Shotgun, Plasma Rifle, Heavy Rifle, Chain Gun, Gauss Cannon, and Rocket Launcher. You also get a max ammo capacity boost but to compensate for that, enemies no longer drop anything when killed.

Doom VFR tips, tricks and cheats guide

Choose your Access to Reality

Spend some time to identify what is the best VR choice. Many will be choosing between PSVR and HTC Vive. Vive allows you to turn full circle which is not available with PSVR.

Neither set up is necessarily better than the other but with PSVR you do have the Aim controller which gives you more of the feel of having a gun, as well as joysticks, which are not available on the Move controller. These will allow you to use the Dash function and turn more easily.

• Doom VFR – Everything we know so far

Go Hard

Be prepared to try the higher levels of difficulty. Doom VFR has been designed to allow you to learn so if you are willing to accept those deaths not only will you get to play longer you will also feel like you really are improving your skills. Just make sure you keep moving or you will have Doom’s horde swarming down on you. Just remember that you will get trapped, you will get shot, you will be surrounded, you will die unless you keep moving.

Telefragging is Good for You

Telefragging will keep you alive. It really is quite a disgusting process but by teleporting into and exploding your enemy from the inside you boost your health points and in Doom VFR those health points will always be useful.

Spread the Pain

When in battle do not spend too much time just focussing on one enemy or you will find that other ones are sneaking up on you and you just will not be ready. It is tempting to finish the job on one of the big guys but you are better to be roving the fighting zone and switching weapons to get maximum effect.

And if you find that a weapon has run out then do not forget it has a secondary function. There may still be something that you can throw at the horde to do some serious damage that you had forgotten about in the heat of battle.

How to install hdoom

Choose the Right Key

How To Doom Mods

It is possible that there is a key enemy amongst the horde and you may need to identify them and try to kill them quickly. They may not be the biggest or the most terrifying looking but by taking them down you will give yourself a much better chance of surviving the battle.


The demons who are at the lowest level may come at you in large numbers but they are rarely a major threat. There are many others that should be dealt with before considering these. By saving them for later in the fight you can actually use them for quick kills which could boost your health.

Dash Dash Dash

This is the function that allows you to move quickly within the battle. You can use it almost as a weapon as well and it will give you the chance to not only move away from your enemies but also to find a better position to attack. It may be a little jumpy but it does move you fast.

And Go Slow

Dipping into the slow motion of time dilation will be helpful if you need a little time to change weapons and reposition yourself in the heat of battle. Having a break from the frantic pace of the fighting might even give you just a moment of breathing space so that you are ready then to dive into that frenzy all over again.

Avoid the Temptation

You will be tempted to grab power-ups when you see them but it is a better strategy not to grab them immediately. They will occur in every big battle and you need to remember that the fights will escalate so hold off on using these power-ups until demons requiring more firepower are making their presence felt.

Try to hang on to your powerful weapons too. You might find yourself struggling in a fight but if it gets worse then you are going to be really struggling if you do not have any of your powerful weapons left.

Teleport and Reset

Teleportation will reduce the sickness you can feel when moving through the game so be prepared to use it. It will also give you a few seconds of respite from the game, so take advantage of it to reset the most important part of your armory, your brain.

You can hold down the teleport button to give you a little extra time to see where you need to go which is very useful when there is some
serious fighting going on and you might need to find a place where you can do some damage yourself.

Upgrading Works

When you have the opportunity to upgrade your weapons you will see an immediate benefit when you go into the next battles. Take advantage of your upgrades to enable you to make a greater impact on those demons.

But wait, there is more

Once you have finished the campaign then do not forget to go back to the main menu where you will find that there have been some maps from the old Doom games that have been unlocked for you to explore.

No Cheating

As with many games being developed, there are no Easter eggs and no cheat codes.

It’s a Mod Mod World

If you have the PC version then you are already able to take advantage of two mods that have been developed to make movement within the game smoother. PSVR already has this with the Aim controller. If you are using the Vive controller a mod has been developed to add vibrations to your gun hand (on the right) and provide you with full locomotion using the left.

For Oculus Rift users there are mods for getting smooth movement and smooth turning.

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Blood, demons, danger, and high-octane entertainment. These are the best set combination of words you can use to describe Doom. Soon enough, we’ll be blessed with a new release of Doom as Doom Eternal. But until that day comes, why not treat ourselves with a little nostalgia peppered with modding?

Ah, Doom. The FPS game that redefined the mechanics of 3D gaming, set untouchable standards in the FPS genre, and spawned countless Doom clones since the year 1993, eventually leading to beauties like Duke Nukem 3D and even inspiring another milestone in FPS history, Halo: Combat Evolved.

What isn’t there to love about this franchise? The menacing and powerful demons, the fast-paced action, stories that hold very little significance to the gameplay, the arsenal of devastating weapons at your disposal to rip and tear demons, the music, the beautiful gory and blood-boiling sound effects, the impressive hellish atmospheres, the overkill power-ups, the glory kills, etc.

After the wide-spread and unquestionable success of Doom 2016 under Bethesda and id Software, Besthesda announced that they will release a sequel to Doom 2016 in 2019, Doom Eternal. With much hype and with much hope, fans all around can’t wait to grab a BFG 9000 and vaporise some demons with it while headbanging to the stellar heavy metal compositions of Mick Gordon again in a new fashion.

Sadly, until November, we won’t be able to get our hands on another new Doom release. Bethesda did so well in hyping up Doom Eternal, people will be racing to get a copy like over-zealous Pinkies. Till then however, painful as the wait maybe, we’ll have to keep our patience till its day of release.

Meanwhile, why not relive this beauty of a franchise with the modded versions of Doom (1993) and Doom 2? That should give you a nice blast from the past in a new and fresh way?

Before I list off the mods you can play, let me tell you what you’ll need to run the mods first. First you will need to download copies of both Doom and Doom 2 for the registered .wad files. Then you’ll have to download GZ Doom to run your desired doom mods. Afterwards, download the .pk3 files of the mod you’d like to play. Drag the desired pk3 file to the GZ Doom executable file and you’ll be good to go.

Brutal Doom

What would be a list of Doom mods without Brutal Doom? More blood, more gore, polished graphics, improved designs, new sound effects, etc. in a 16-bit experience of an 8-bit game. The selling point of this, of course, is the heightened details of the agony of the demons you rip apart, as well as being able to play in a much higher level of difficulty and being able to aim vertically as well instead of the archaic horizontal-only aiming ability.

There are some tweaks to the gameplay too, like enemies dropping a +5 health pack when you have 20% or below health left, new weapons like the machine gun, the revenant shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, the SMG, etc., possessed soldiers being able to go into a last stand, and so on. Oh, and did I mention that this mod as been constantly updated since its first release in 2010.

Ashes 2063

Tired of waiting for Doom Eternal? Tired of waiting for Cyberpunk 2077? Well you can have an 8-bit bite of both these game on this mod, with a slight hint of Duke Nukem 3D.

This mod has a touch of RPG-style gaming when it comes to its inventory system, trading and characters found within this mod. It also has a story to follow as well. The combat is tight, you can use a motorbike to get around in the larger maps, you can melee bad guys by clicking a button instead of having to switch to a melee weapon to use it, etc. This is not one of your ordinary Doom reskins.

This mod is supposed to have 32 episodes, but so far only 9 levels have been released.

Doom 64: Retribution

Originally a port of Doom for the Nintendo 64 in 1997, this version of Doom was considered to be the best version of Doom because of its fluid gameplay, good looks and redesigned sprites. This mod brings that masterpiece of a port into the PC under GZ Doom.

The levels in Doom 64 are arguably more challenging than the original Doom, the graphics don’t make you feel dizzy after prolonged gameplay, the sound design sounds smoother, etc. Certainly worth a try if you’re into map exploration.



By far the most beautiful mods I’ve ever tried, Valiant gives a fresher look into Doom II with its completely and carefully redesigned maps and monsters. This mod also makes the player put more emphasis on the most overlooked weapons of Doom: the chainsaw and the pistol. The enemies in this mod also fight differently than in the original, so be prepared and don’t be shocked when you see them fight “differently”.

The game is so differentiated from the original that it requires to be distributed as a “megaWAD” extension. Definitely worth it.

Pirate Doom

This is a reskin that shows that the makers have put a lot of effort into it. The gameplay is mostly similar. The difference is that everything, including the enemies, sounds, the weapons and the maps, are pirate-themed. It consists of 18 redesigned levels, and though it plays almost the same, it’s no doubt fun enough to spend some idle time in shivering some demon timbers.

Hearts of Demons - Baron

Again, a reskin, but this time you get to play as a mega-baron of hell. You fight to regain your honour by ripping and tearing across hell with your green energy blasts, giant blocks of rocks, and your bare claws. Worth a shot for a quick play.

Until Doom Eternal comes out, these modded version are what we can use to kill time with. Fingers crossed for it living upto its hype.

How To Doom Mods Terraria

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