Quick Steps Outlook For Mac 2016

I’ve created quite a few Quick Steps in Outlook 2010 on my Windows 7 computer with various template replies and actions. I now have a new Windows 10 computer with Outlook 2016 on it.

Quick steps outlook for mac 2016 help

Feb 15, 2017 How did you setup this account in Outlook 2016, with IMAP connection or POP connection? Generally, the Quick Steps are stored within the mailbox itself. For POP connection, we can reuse your original pst-file on your new computer, then your Quick Steps will also be retained. Get the complete Outlook 2016 training course here During thi.

How do I copy the Quick Steps from one computer to the other?

Quick Steps are not saved as separate files on your disk but within the mailbox itself. This actually makes it really easy to migrate them for Exchange and POP3 users but quite a bit harder for IMAP and accounts that are connected via Exchange ActiveSync (EAS).

However, no matter which account type you are using, when you heavily depend on a certain feature or configuration, it is always good to know how to back up and restore it in case needed.

Some Quick Steps backups can even be shared and be used with different mailboxes without the need to reconfigure them.

Note: Your Outlook.com account can most likely be configured as an Exchange account when it has been migrated to the new Outlook.com platform.

Quick Steps in Exchange and POP3 mailboxes

Quick steps outlook for mac 2016 version

As Quick Steps are stored within the mailbox itself, your Quick Steps will still be there when you configure your account Exchange on your new computer. No special action is needed.

When you are using a POP3 account and reuse your original pst-file on your new computer, your Quick Steps will also be retained. However, it is however important to do this in the correct way or else they still could get lost.

Quick Steps Outlook For Mac 2016Mac

For details see: Restoring a pst-file of a POP3 account on a new computer.


In order to backup and restore Quick Steps, you’ll need to make use of MFCMAPI. This is because Quick Steps are stored in a “hidden folder” within your mailbox or pst-file.

MFCMAPI is a low-level editing tool to access your mailbox data. You can do some really great things with it, but you can also easily do large irreversible damage to your mailbox so it is important that you make a backup first and follow the below instructions carefully.

You can download MFCMAPI from its official development website on GitHub. When you are using the 64-bit version of Outlook, make sure you download the “MFCMAPI.exe.x64” version instead.

It is being developed by Stephen Griffin who is a Senior Escalation Engineer in Developer Support at Microsoft focusing on Outlook and Exchange Server APIs (in other words: this is a very reliable application source).

Backing up all Quick Steps at once

Download Outlook 2016 For Mac

To create a backup of your Quick Steps, use the following steps.

  1. Open MFCMAPI.
  2. Accept any dialog prompts to get to the main window of MFCMAPI.
  3. Choose: Session-> Logon…

    Click on image to enlarge.

  4. Select the mail profile for which you want to backup its Quick Steps. If you are unfamiliar with this dialog, simply press OK.

  5. In the top-part of MFCMAPI you should now see all your configured mailboxes and connected pst-files. Double click on the the mailbox for which you want to backup the Quick Steps.
  6. In the Navigation Pane on the left, expand the folder list called “Root – Mailbox” or “Root Container”.
  7. Expand the folder list called “Top Information Store”, “IPM_SUBTREE” or “Top of Outlook data file”.
  8. You should now see a folder called: Quick Step Settings. Right click on it and choose: Export folder-> As MSG files…

    Click on image to enlarge.

  9. Enable both “Save associated items” and “Save as Unicode MSG”.

  10. Press OK.
  11. Use the Browse For Folder dialog to select a location to store your Quick Steps to. As each Quick Step will be stored as an individual msg-file, it might be wise to create a new folder for it.
  12. Click OK to start the Export process.
  13. Close all open dialogs to close MFCMAPI or repeat steps 5 to 12 for any other mailbox that you have configured in Outlook and wish to backup the Quick Steps for.

Backup only specific Quick Steps

If you want to only backup a few or a specific Quick Step (perhaps so that a colleague can import it), you can use the following steps:

  1. Follow step 1-7 of the backup process mentioned above.
  2. You should now see a folder called: Quick Step Settings. Right click on it and choose: Open associated contents table.

    Click on image to enlarge.

  3. In the new dialog that opens up, you’ll see a list of messages which represent your Quick Steps.

    Click on image to enlarge.

    To find out which message belongs to which Quick Step, select a message and look at the PR_ROAMING_XMLSTREAM property. You can double click on this property to see the name of the Quick Step in the Text section.

    Click on image to enlarge.

  4. To backup a that single Quick Step, right click on its message and choose: Export message…
  5. From the “Format to save” dropdown list select “MSG file (UNICODE)” and click OK.
  6. Select the folder where you want to save the message. You are free to rename the file to for instance: QuickSteps-newsletters.msg
  7. In the CopyTo dialog to set the Interface and Flags, simply press OK.
  8. In the Tags to Exclude dialog, simply press OK as well.
  9. Close all open dialogs to close MFCMAPI or repeat steps 3 to 8 for any other Quick Step you wish to backup.

Restoring Quick Steps

To restore your saved Quick Steps, use the following steps.

  1. Follow steps 1 to 7 of the backup process mentioned above.
  2. You should now see a folder called: Quick Step Settings. Right click on it and choose: Open associated contents table.
  3. From the menu bar select: Folder-> Import-> From MSG…

    Click on image to enlarge.

  4. Browse to and select your saved Quick Step file and press Open.
    • Note: You can also select multiple files at once or select all the items in the folder via CTRL+A.
  5. Verify that the “Load style” dropdown list is set to: Load message into current folder.
  6. Press OK.
  7. Close all open dialogs to close MFCMAPI or repeat steps 1 to 6 for any other mailbox that you have configured in Outlook and wish to restore the Quick Steps for.

Note: For Quick Steps that have a move/copy to folder action, you may need to reassign the folder in your Quick Step configuration in Outlook for it to work again.

I really like the ability to instantly reply with a message template via Quick Steps.

This works for most of my replies but for one type of reply I need to have rich text formatting support with additional font settings, an image and also a table.

I’ve tried copy/pasting the content from the source document and even put in HTML codes within the Text area of the Quick Step but it seems that this field is Plain Text only.

Is there any way to make this work with a Quick Step or another quick alternative?

Quick Steps indeed don’t support the HTML format for a predefined message. What you can do however is create a Quick Part or AutoCorrect entry for your table.

This requires a little additional interaction to get the mail out but not much. Both methods are also quite easy to set up and to update if you ever want to adjust your template text.

Method 1: Quick Parts

Using a Quick Part is the intended way as it allows you to create and manage Building Blocks of text and has full support for Rich Text formatting as well as for image and tables.

Once you’ve executed the Quick Step, you can insert a prepared Quick Part via Insert-> Quick Parts.

Another way to quickly insert the Quick Part is by defining a short name for it any type that name in your message. For instructions see: AutoComplete Quick Parts.

For more details about managing Quick Parts see: Adding, modifying and deleting Quick Parts.

Method 2: AutoCorrect

Another alternative would be to create an AutoCorrect entry and add the “Replace” word to your Quick Step message body already.

Quick Steps Outlook For Mac 2016

Then all you have to do is type a space behind that word after executing the Quick Step and it will instantly replace that word with your formatted text, image, table or combination thereof.

Quick Steps In Outlook 2013

For instructions see: AutoCorrect and text formatting support.