X4 Foundations Ship List

  1. X4 Foundations Ship List - Image Results
  2. X4 Foundations Ship List With Images
  3. X4 Hidden Ships

A wharf station is defined by its x4 foundations ship building modules that allow in case you have the respective ships and equipment blueprints to build small and medium ships. In case you already know how in x4 foundations buy a new ship you will be able to do the same with your own station. Feb 24, 2019 If necessary, create the extension folder in your game directory (C: Steam steamapps common X4 Foundations extensions ) Copy the whole content of the zip file (ALL mod folders) in the extensions folder, so it looks like: X4 Foundations extensions ashipmod ext01.cat, ext01.dat and content.xml; Only use normal OR balanced version, not both.

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PC Controls & Keyboard Shortcuts

Controls – Cockpit Controls

<Mouse> – Steer Ship or Turret


Toggle Travel Mode – Shift-1

Toggle Scan Mode – Shift-2

Boa (M)

Toggle Long-range Scan mode – Shift-3

Toggle SETA mode – Shift-4

Options Menu

Options Menu – Delete

Options Menu – Shift-O

Save Game – Shift-S

Load Game – Shift-L

Exit Game – Shift-Q

Quicksave – F5

Quickload – F9

Game – Flight Controls

<Cursor Keys> – Steer Ship or Turret

<Q/E> – Roll Ship Left or Right

<Z/X> – Ship Speed Control

<Tab Hold> – Boost Speed to Max

<Backspace> – Brake to Zero Speed

<Shift X> – Match Target Speed

<U> – Toggle Autopilot on/off, Autopilot in main monitor: dock at targeted station, fly through targeted gate, follow targeted ship.

<Shift D> – Command Ship to Dock at target or fly through gate

<Shift M> – Change Gravidar Mode (View Range)

<Shift E> – Eject from or Enter Ship (Distance of 50m of Ship)

<W, A, S, D> – Strafe Movement of Ship

<E> – Command Console Selected Ship

Weapon Controls


<L Ctrl> – Fires Lasers from active Cockpit

<K> – Change Laser Targeting Mode

<M> – Select/Cycle Missle Type

<1, 2, 3, 4> – Change Laser in Bay 1 – 4

<L> – Launch Missile

<G> – Weapons Menu

<LMB> – Fire Lasers of Active Cockpit


<T> – Target Object Under Cursor

<E> – Enemy Mode: Nearest Enemy

X4 Foundations Ship List

<PgUp/PgDn> – Target Next/Previous Ship

<Ins/Del> – Target Next/Previous Player Ship

<Home/End> – Target Next/ Previous Enemy


<I> – Target Info Menu

<U> – View Details of Selected

<S> – Ship Info

<P> – Pilot Information

<.> – Sector Map

<,> – Universe Map

<G> – Show selection on Galaxy Map

<R> – Owned Property

<L> – Message Log

Commands & Management

<Shift C> – Command Console of Current Ship

<M> – Rename Object

<Shift 6> – Command Wingman – Attack Target

<Shift 7> – Command Wingman – Protect Me

<Shift 8> – Command Drones – Attack Target

<Shift 9> – Command Drones – Protect Me

Ships & Stations

<c> – Comms, Communicate with Taget

<u> – Station Details

<d> – Trade with Station

<b> – Read BBS Entries

<t> – Barter Goods

<l> – Landed Ships

<n> – Owned Ships

<x> – Change Ships


<F> – Freight Menu

<O> – Open/Close Freight Bay Door

<?> – Freight Exchange


<j> – SETA time accelerator

<Shift+j> – Activate Jumpdrive (repeat keys to cancel jump)

<Shift+d> – Docking Computer

<Alt, MMB> Video enhancement goggles

<5> – Best selling price locator

<6> – Best buys locator

<g> – Toggle Ecliptic projector

Interface – General

<Num enter> – Main Menu

<RETURN> – Quick Menu

More X4 Foundations Ship List images

<Shift+o> – Options Menu

<Shift+l> – Load game

<Shift+s> – Save game using salvage insurance

<Shift+q> – Quit game

<RMB> – Toggle mouse cursor

View Controls

<F1> – Select view mode

<F2> – Select external view

<F3> – Target View

<Shift+h> – Toggle Hud display

<F4> – Select monitor

<F4 hold> – Select monitor arrangement

X4 Foundations Ship List - Image Results

<F5> – Toggle all monitors on/off

<+> – Zoom in

<-> – Zoom out

<NUM 0> – Select camera mode

<Default View> – Num 5

<View from Northeast> – POV up-right Num 9

<View from East> – POV right Num 6

<View from Southeast> – POV Down-right Num 3

<View from South> – POV Down Num 2

<View from Southwest> – POV Down-left Num 1

<View from West> – POV left Num 4

<View from Northwest> – POV Up-left Num 7


<Esc> Skip cut scenes, remove screen tips

<LMB-JS1-Enter> – Select Option

<POV Up-MW Up-Up> – Scroll Up

X4 Foundations Ship List With Images

<POV Dn-MW-Dn-Dn> – Scroll Down

<Left-POV Left> – Scroll Left

<Right-POV Right> – Scroll Right

<Home> – Empty selection

<End> – Fill selection

<Delete> – Close all Menus


<Delete> – Delete character

<Backspace> – Backspace

<Home> – Home

<End> – End


<Num 4> – Move cursor left

<Num 6> – Move cursor Right

<Num 8> – Move cursor up

<Num 2> – Move cursor down

<Num 7> – Move cursor up and left

<Num 9> – Move cursor up and right

<Num 1> – Move cursor down and left

<Num 3> – Move cursor down and right

<Insert> – Change map axis

<Home> – Zoom Map in

<End> Zoom Map out

Factory Positioning

<Ins> – Change to Z Axis

<Ins,2,8> – After Ins use 2 & 8 to change elevation

<1,3,7,9> – Change orientation of station

<2,4,6,8> – Position station on grid

<Home/End> – Zoom in/out at factory position

Additional hotkeys

X4 Hidden Ships

<Pause> – Pause game

<a-z> – Select sector in universe map by first letter

<1-9,0> – Select amount in trade menu

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