Kotor 2 Refugee Woes

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords is the sequel to the acclaimed Knights of the Old Republic. It’s set in the Star Wars universe five years after the ending of the first game.

FUTUPD Future Updates I. INFORM Guide Information A. WELCOM Welcome! Hello again Kotor fans! Welcome to my guide for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II, the Sith Lords. I am Paul and will walk you through every possible outcome of the game. Kotor II is more complex than the first game and I don't know every single thing about it.

2 Refugee Commons. 2.1 Plague Carrier; 2.2 Refugee Woes; 2.3 Intergalactic Reunification; 2.4 Sold to the Hutts; 2.5 Seeking Passage; 2.6 Twi'leks; 2.7 Will Work for Fuel; 3 Serroco Thugs; 4 Airspeeder; 5 Exchange Headquarters. The endgame of KOTOR II is a Moment of Awesome for the Exile, who assaults an entire Sith academy, killing numerous Sith Assassins, Marauders, and Lords singlehandedly. Sit down, Palpatine, the Exile is the true master of Force Lightning. For KOTOR II, we added choices to the upgrade process. For example, you can now equip your armor with one of 30 underlays and overlays (though many of these are variations on each other). We increased the number of lightsaber upgrade slots from three to six. All told, KOTOR II.

You follow the story of a Jedi who was exiled from the Jedi Order. The Order was almost wiped out by the Sith and you wake from unconsciousness with a mission to seek out the last few remaining Jedi.


Gameplay mechanics are virtually the same as Knights of the Old Republic although there are some notable additions such as the option to choose a fighting style while wielding a lightsabre. The mini-games of the first game are back, including swoop bike racing and Pazaak.


The full Knights of the Old Republic 2 walkthrough includes the original content plus the Restored Content mod which adds much more content that was left out in the original release.

Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords was released in 2004, one year after the release of the original game, Knights of the Old Republic. It received positive reviews after it’s release although the game was left unfinished as LucasArts forced the developers, Obsidian, to finish the game within 16 months. This unfortunately meant that not only where there many bugs but that large sections of the content had to be cut from the game.

Kotor 2 Refugee Woes Darkside

Star Wars fans got together and released a mod for KOTOR 2 called the Restored Content Mod. It cleared up around 500 bugs and added much more content. The walkthrough above assumes you have the Restored Content mod for KOTOR 2 installed.

Kotor 2 Refugee Woes

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords is the sequel to the acclaimed Knights of the Old Republic. It’s set in the Star Wars universe five years after the ending of the first game.

You follow the story of a Jedi who was exiled from the Jedi Order. The Order was almost wiped out by the Sith and you wake from unconsciousness with a mission to seek out the last few remaining Jedi.

Gameplay mechanics are virtually the same as Knights of the Old Republic although there are some notable additions such as the option to choose a fighting style while wielding a lightsabre. The mini-games of the first game are back, including swoop bike racing and Pazaak.

Kotor 2 Influence Guide

The full Knights of the Old Republic 2 walkthrough includes the original content plus the Restored Content mod which adds much more content that was left out in the original release.

Kotor 2 Serroco Thugs

Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords was released in 2004, one year after the release of the original game, Knights of the Old Republic. It received positive reviews after it’s release although the game was left unfinished as LucasArts forced the developers, Obsidian, to finish the game within 16 months. This unfortunately meant that not only where there many bugs but that large sections of the content had to be cut from the game.

Star Wars fans got together and released a mod for KOTOR 2 called the Restored Content Mod. It cleared up around 500 bugs and added much more content. The walkthrough above assumes you have the Restored Content mod for KOTOR 2 installed.